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Landside Platform Ideas Portal
Status Under review
Created by Israel Castillo
Created on Sep 17, 2024

Show vendor, customer, and facility codes based on systems outside of TMS to simplify root cause analysis

What impact would it have on your daily tasks in terms of time saving or cost reduction?

When analyzing issues with optimizer or supplier connect, we are having to continually convert TMS customer codes to CMD codes (to see the customer configuration in CMD), TMS facility codes to CMD codes (to see the facility configuration in CMD) and TMS vendor codes to SMDS vendor code (to enter supplier connect which uses SMDS vendor code). To avoid having to spend time converting codes, we will suggest to show these codes as part of TMS fields both in the individual views as well as the worklist

How frequently would you use this improvement?

every day when performing RCA and trying to highlight issues to other teams such as CX and PROC which are not familiar with TMS codes and still use codes existing from before TMS

How should it work?

Add additional fields to show equivalent CMD SMDS codes next to customer, vendor, facility fields

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