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Landside Platform Ideas Portal

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Showing 26

Manual Change reason -Adding Notes for each amendment

What impact would it have on your daily tasks in terms of time saving or cost reduction? dispatcher will provide directly the reason of change without updating his/her manager for control audit reasons. How frequently would you use this improvemen...
PETROS GROSIANIS 14 days ago in new capability 0 Already exists

Productivity Control

What impact would it have on your daily tasks in terms of time saving or cost reduction? Inland delivery manager/supervisor enabled with more data to identify produtivity on dispatcher and country level. How frequently would you use this improveme...
Guest 5 months ago in user experience improvement 4 Already exists

Service Delivery Performance Analytics

What impact would it have on your daily tasks in terms of time saving or cost reduction? Accurate performance analisis for CX, Product Management, Delivery, etc on Maersk delivery experience. How frequently would you use this improvement? On a dai...
Guest 5 months ago in new capability 2 Already exists

mass change option for calculation date

What impact would it have on your daily tasks in terms of time saving or cost reduction? it would be big impact in point of time saving while we perform change the calculation date How frequently would you use this improvement? daily How should it...
Taha Aydogan 6 months ago in user experience improvement 3 Already exists

No duplicate containers should be shown in Freight Orders - Worklist view

No duplicate containers should be shown in Freight Orders - Worklist view in the Container ID column. Example of current value in Container ID column - "SUDU7695188 SUDU7695188"
Ernests Mukans almost 2 years ago in  3 Already exists

CCA/CCDA Vessel Voyage Service Filters/Columns

What impact would it have on your daily tasks in terms of time saving or cost reduction? PSW and OAK regions require delineation by vessel code, voyage code, and service code for their desk ownership. There are no filters/columns currently in eith...
Tim Borges 7 months ago in  1 Already exists

Accessorial charges added from FRO worklist

What impact would it have on your daily tasks in terms of time saving or cost reduction? It will save a lot of time for dispatchers to do manual work and we will be able to close cases faster. How frequently would you use this improvement? Every t...
Rozanne Botman about 1 year ago in user experience improvement 4 Already exists

Open in a new window the FRO listed on FRO worklist

What impact would it have on your daily tasks in terms of time saving or cost reduction? Reduce time and help to improve system's performance. How frequently would you use this improvement? Daily, every time that you open the worklist. How should ...
Guest 4 months ago in user experience improvement 1 Already exists

Local distance

Base rate change Improve local distance that is too often not updated 8 user affected per day10 fro / day2 min/ froFTE IMPACT 0,04
Angela Mura almost 2 years ago in  2 Already exists

Revenue/cost overview direct in SAP Worklist

What impact would it have on your daily tasks in terms of time saving or cost reduction? It will reduce alot of manually cost adding in shared excel sheets with CX and it would provide dispatchers with a quick and easy overview on profitabillity o...
Sebastian Feldborg 8 months ago in  5 Already exists