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Landside Platform Ideas Portal

user experience improvement

Showing 51 of 190

Carrier change reason code (inside FRO)

What impact would it have on your daily tasks in terms of time saving or cost reduction? Save 1-2 clicks per transaction How frequently would you use this improvement? A few times daily How should it work? When manually changing a carrier from FRO...
Rasmus Thiim 15 days ago in user experience improvement 0

IMO Disclaimer automatically aply in the Transport order

What impact would it have on your daily tasks in terms of time saving or cost reduction? less manual work for every Dispatcher for every IMO Transport How frequently would you use this improvement? on every IMO order How should it work? if IMO boo...
Guest 4 months ago in user experience improvement 1 Planned

Bulk upload of internal notes

We are required to add internal notes for accessorial charges being added to FROs as customer induced so that accessorial team can refer these notes while billing back to the customer and add these remarks in GCSS to prevent disputes and to answer...
Karishma Bajaj 3 months ago in user experience improvement 1 Under review

Making attachments available in CCA worklist

What impact would it have on your daily tasks in terms of time saving or cost reduction? It would save a lot of time in approving/rejecting charges. Currenlty, when going through the CCA worklist, we need to open each FRO indivudually to check on ...
Rozanne Botman 5 months ago in user experience improvement 1 Under review

Option to select all within the CCA Worklist

What impact would it have on your daily tasks in terms of time saving or cost reduction? Will save a huge amount of time when trying to approve/edit charges in bulk through CCA Worklist. Currently can use Shift + Click to select lines in mass, but...
Friday Elder 9 months ago in user experience improvement 1 Will not implement

Functionality to change the paramaters of a worklist query via alternative means

What impact would it have on your daily tasks in terms of time saving or cost reduction? ease of usage, quality of life, time saved when amending & setting up queries How frequently would you use this improvement? every time i need to change a...
Kaylin Govender about 1 month ago in user experience improvement 0 Under review

BOL Number column & filter added to the CCA Worklist

What impact would it have on your daily tasks in terms of time saving or cost reduction? It would make using the CCA Worklist for recons more robust, instead of having to pull separate lists from the CCA Worklist & the FRO Worklist, for the pu...
Kaylin Govender about 1 month ago in user experience improvement 0 Under review

Cancelled booking indicator in FRO worklist

What impact would it have on your daily tasks in terms of time saving or cost reduction? This would save dispatchers a lot of time and work. We currently need to verify each booking that shows business cancelled in TMS with GCSS to see if the book...
Rozanne Botman 9 months ago in user experience improvement 0 Planned

Container ID column in Actual Route Tab of FWO

What impact would it have on your daily tasks in terms of time saving or cost reduction? This would make researching FROs by BOL much more efficient. If an end user has an issue with one container on a BOL, they will be able to easily identify whi...
Emily Joshi 9 months ago in user experience improvement 0 Under review

Dispute Worklist: Rejection Notification Content

What impact would it have on your daily tasks in terms of time saving or cost reduction? This would eliminate additional communications with vendors to explain reason for dispute. Currently the dispute notification sent to vendor is very broad and...
Israel Castillo about 2 months ago in user experience improvement 2 Under review